Monthly Weather Forecast


low pressure areas maTwoy form over the Andaman Sea

low pressure areas maTwoy form over the Andaman Sea and Bay of Bengal and one may further intensify into the depression. Weather will be partly cloudy to cloudy over the Andaman Sea and the Bay of Bengal.


Western Disturbances

Nobis architecto consequatur ab, ea, eum autem aperiam accusantium placeat vitae facere explicabo temporibus minus distinctio cum optio quis, dignissimos eius aspernatur fuga. Praesentium totam, corrupti beatae amet expedita veritatis.


Will Give Monthly Rain Forecast From Coming Monsoon

To better its monsoon forecast, the Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) will use the multi-model ensemble approach and also give a monthly outlook for the four months of the rainfall season, its director general (DG) said today.

Temperature Map